A record 51.4% of our Membership responded to the West Entrance fountain survey! We truly appreciate those of you who took the time to share your thoughts with the board. Your feedback and engagement is invaluable!

The results were:

  • 191 – YES
  • 191 – NO

A 50/50 split! This gives us a good indication of the polarity of this decision and while no clear direction was received from the Membership, we appreciate your voice.

At the October 24 board of directors meeting, the board discussed the results in detail. The near-term plan is to focus on other areas around the community needing landscaping attention (dead shrubs, sod, tree trimming, etc.), while in parallel continuing to explore fountain options to revisit at a later date.

Thank you all for participating in the process and we ask for your continued engagement as we approach our Annual Members’ Meeting in January.